Why you need flowers in your veggie garden
It’s no secret I love flowers, but beyond their beauty flowers have some excellent traits that make them the perfect companions for a vegetable garden. Many help attract pollinators, or even act as trap crops and repel bugs. Read on for just a few flowers that will help your veggie garden do even better this year.
Flowers to plant in your vegetable garden
Alyssum: Plant under tall, arching plants, such as broccoli and peppers, or next to potatoes. Predatory wasps are attracted to Alyssum’s fragrance.
Catnip: Plant along leafy green vegetables such as collards. Helps to prevent to beetle and flea damage and, as a bonus, it repels mosquitoes. Plant carefully though, as it can spread.
Nasturtiums: Plant with squash and cucumbers. These edible flowers repel cucumber beetles and also attract predatory insects. Nasturtiums act as a trap crop, diverting insects from your veggies.
Calendula: Also known as pot marigold (not Tagetes type marigolds), Calendula attracts pollinators and is another trap crop. The petals also make a pretty addition to salads.
Marigolds: Good to plant with any kind of beans, melon, or squash plant. Marigolds contain natural pyrethrum and their pungent scent repels many types of pests.
Lavender: Lavender’s scent repels ticks and cabbage moths. Pollinators love this fragrant flower, and once there, they’ll pollinate your veggies too.
Cosmos: Plant with tomatoes and runner beans. This hardy annual attracts bees, butterflies, and the lacewing, a predatory insect that eats aphids and thrips.
Your veggie garden will benefit from flowers
Vegetables love flowers too. Plant some pretty flowers and help your veggie garden provide a bountiful harvest!
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