Free Printables, Monthly Motivation, Wellness
What is Success? Includes ‘You are up to You’ printable!
From a young age we’re given a very specific definition of success. We’re told success is having a lot of money and possessions, and doing whatever it takes to be on top. However, that definition may not always align with our passions. And if you thrive on self-expression and innovation, buying into that narrow definition of success can be where trouble starts.
Change Your Perspective
When we accept society’s definition of success but don’t, for whatever reason, meet that rigid criteria, it may create even more trouble. We start to identify ourselves as failures, and the result can be issues with our physical and mental health.
Fortunately, there’s no universal law that says we have to accept society’s definitions and use them as some kind of self-condemning label that we drag around for the rest of our lives. With a change in perspective, we can create our own definitions of success and failure.
Change Your Definitions
We can define success for ourselves. We can see success as self-fulfillment and personal accomplishment. Money may or may not factor into those achievements at all. When we reach a personal goal or fulfill a longed-for aspiration, that can also be a measurement of success. Peace of mind and good health are true victories that can’t be measured in dollars. Love and friendship are other important achievements that create value in our lives. Success can mean many things, and only you can define what success truly means to you.
See Opportunities in Failure
Additionally, we can choose to see failure as an opportunity rather than a death sentence. A failure can be many things, but one thing is for certain, failure is not who ‘you’ are. No matter what you do or don’t do, failure is not a personality label. While you may have failed to meet specific goals or tasks, it doesn’t make you, as a person, a failure.
Instead, redefine failure as an opportunity to see your task in a different light. Whatever your goal may be, there are many different paths to get there. If you’re not willing to analyze your choices and examine why certain things have succeeded and others haven’t, then you’re missing out on the gift that failure offers.
By viewing failure as a temporary setback, you give yourself the chance to see opportunities where you once saw roadblocks. This powerful strategy can open new doors and allow your confidence to grow rather than feeling defeated by self-imposed expectations. Don’t internalize failure as a measure of your worth. Look at it as an opportunity to grow!
You are Up to You
Ultimately, you get to decide what it means to succeed. Study the experiences, people, and accomplishments that bring you the most joy and self-fulfillment and you will have created your own definition of success. No matter who you are, you can define what success means to you. YOU are entirely up to YOU!
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