12 Months of Abundance, Free Printables, Wellness
Using affirmations as self-care – 12 months of abundance
The greatest gift you can give yourself is a little bit of your own attention.
– Anthony J. D’Angelo
Affirmations as self care
Self-care isn’t just about exercise or unwinding with a relaxing bubble bath. Sometimes self-care is about how you talk to and show up for yourself. If you find that most of your thoughts about yourself are negative or toxic, then your self-care routine needs to include some self-compassion and positive self-talk. So for this month’s post let’s focus on why using positive affirmations can be a helpful way to care for yourself.
Why affirmations work
Affirmations work by tapping into your subconscious and reprogramming your thoughts. Most of us are aware of our conscious thoughts, but the subconscious mind can be trickier. Much of our self-esteem, confidence, and love for ourselves originates in the subconscious, and by using affirmations we can reprogram our subconscious mind to think more positively.
Write it down
One easy way to use affirmations is to write down a statement or quote that resonates for you. Choose affirmations based on what you’re trying to accomplish. They can be used for general emotional wellness, to boost your confidence, create calm and relaxation, or reduce stress and anxiety.
Show some gratitude
When’s the last time you listed something about yourself that you’re personally grateful for? This month’s planner page (sign up here to get yours) gives you a good opportunity to write a positive affirmation about yourself. You can also use your journal, a notebook, or even a document on your computer to write something you’re grateful for each and every day. Whatever you’re using, be sure to include yourself in your gratitude.
Keep affirmations visible
The more you repeat your affirmations the more effective they’ll be, so it’s a great idea to have them where you can see them. Put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, on your desk, dresser, or refrigerator. You get the idea. Anywhere you know you’ll see them. And when you see them, say the affirmation out loud. Studies have shown that hearing affirmations can have a positive effect on your brain patterns.
Take them along
You might also want an affirmation when you’re not home, so it’s a good idea to take them with you. Have them in your purse or wallet, or in the notes or as a wallpaper on your phone (another freebie I share with my subscribers!) Whenever you need a boost or feel anxious, read your affirmation out loud.
Care for yourself
Whether you’re looking to boost your confidence or calm your anxiety, affirmations are a helpful way to care for yourself and create more abundance and love in your life. And to get you started, I’ve created a pretty printable that reminds you to love yourself, always and all ways!
Download your free ‘Love Yourself Always’ 5×7 printable by clicking the button below
Be Sure to Sign Up~
Before you go, click here to sign up! This fun series has lots of exclusive subscriber freebies. Along with post updates and direct links to my newest free printables, subscribers get limited and exclusive access to my ’12 Months of Abundance’ planner pages, as well as an exclusive digital desktop wallpaper each month. Digital wallpapers are only available during the current month and planner pages are free only for a limited time and only for subscribers, so don’t wait!
All the Pretty Particulars
My posts may contain affiliate links. Using the link to purchase will cost you no extra and helps to support independent artists and their groupie – me
This artwork is part of the amazing English Garden Watercolor bundle from Eclectic Anthology. If you’d like to purchase, you can pick it up here.
Even more affirmations
Download a free ‘Make yourself a priority’ printable
Be your own best friend and download a ‘Plant your own garden’ printable
Define your own success and download a free ‘You are up to you’ printable
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