Free Printables, Monthly Motivation
Today I am Grateful! Monthly Motivation and free printable
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
~ Oprah Winfrey
This year has certainly offered up its own unique challenges, hasn’t it? So far it’s been rough, and I won’t even speculate about what’s to come. And while forcing positivity can add a layer of expectation rather than understanding, I do think there’s always something to be grateful for, even through difficult times. So in this month where we traditionally express thankfulness, let’s look at growing an attitude of gratitude.
Understanding Gratitude
Gratitude comes from within and requires a more intentional focus on what you really need in life, versus what you want or what society says you should want. Being grateful begins when you acknowledge the rewarding, positive, and good things already present in your life. When you focus on what you have and what’s going right, you see that, despite hardships or pain, there is already much in your life to celebrate and honor.
Learning to Feel You Have Enough
Learning to appreciate your life for what it is, rather than what you think it “should” be, gives you an opportunity to explore possibilities within your current circumstances. Rather than thinking so much about the “what ifs” and the “could have beens”, you can instead focus on “what is.” And when you learn to live in the present, you’ll see that your life is already full and rich.
Recognizing the opportunities that exist in your life today instead of the life you expect or imagine will happen, you’re more likely to feel like you are enough, and have enough. And when others see your appreciation, they’re also more likely to respond positively towards you, which in turn helps you maintain your upbeat mindset.
You Can Be Grateful
It doesn’t take a huge leap to be grateful. Simply acknowledge and express your gratitude for what you have, today. And to help you cultivate your attitude of gratitude, I’ve created a pretty printable!
Download your free ‘Today I am Grateful’ printable by clicking the button below
All the Pretty Particulars
My posts may contain affiliate links. Using the link to purchase will cost you no extra and helps to support artists and their groupie – me
The pretty floral artwork is by Patishop Art, and you can pick it up here.
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Even More Pretty Freebies
Click here to download my pretty ‘Grateful for Everything’ printable!
See the Good with a pretty printable.
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