Gardening, Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness
The Healing Benefits of a Garden
The Healing Benefits of a Garden
In recent years, therapeutic gardens have become very popular. And while they’re often used in rehab facilities and hospitals, anyone with a love of nature can also reap the healing benefits from their home garden. If you’re considering creating your own garden space, read on to learn a few of the healing benefits you’ll gain by tending to your own home garden.
Reduces stress
One of the biggest benefits of a garden is that it reduces stress levels. During stressful times, a garden can have a dramatic impact on your wellbeing. Having a calming place to go can be therapeutic. I’ve found that even just visualizing my garden can be soothing during stressful times.
Combats anxiety and depression
Along with reducing stress, relaxing and working in a garden can also help combat anxiety and depression. The fresh air alone is great for boosting mental health. However, the way a garden activates the senses is where the real power lies. Spending a little time in your garden each day can provide a haven away from daily stresses and has been shown to improve your physical and emotional well-being.
Enhances self-esteem
One of the more surprising healing benefits of gardens is that they can enhance self-esteem. Studies have shown that those who garden regularly are much more confident. Taking care of the garden gives you a sense of purpose, and also gives you a sense of accomplishment that builds self-esteem.
Benefits your physical health
Your physical health can also be improved by gardening. Research reveals that spending just 30 minutes working in the garden can control as well as prevent high blood pressure. And as an added health benefit, gardening helps to burn calories, helping with weight loss and/or weight management.
Additionally, we all need good levels of Vitamin D to stay healthy and happy. However, since it’s mostly absorbed through the skin, it can be difficult to make sure you’re getting enough. Vitamin D helps strengthen bones and muscles as well as boosting the immune system, and time in a garden can help top up those vitamin D levels.
Boosts your mood
Finally, gardens can help to boost your mood. There’s something soothing and healing about being in nature, hearing, smelling, and seeing the different colors and textures. Just getting outdoors into a picturesque space can make you feel a lot happier in general. Sit outside in the garden for just a short period each day and you’ll soon start to feel the benefits.
Your garden is therapeutic
As you can see, there are lots of amazing health benefits that come from your own home garden. Spending time in your garden can have a positive impact on both your mental and physical health. If you don’t have your own garden, you can still benefit by spending time in the woods or a local park, or even volunteering at your local community garden. I hope you’ll take advantage of the healing benefits your garden can offer.
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