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Simple Tips to Create Peace for Christmas
A Case For A Simple Christmas
Have you thought about simplifying Christmas? Can you imagine the holiday season without the stress? Consider creating a much simpler Christmas celebration this year. By scaling back and focusing more on what the holiday means to you, you just might find more peace this season. As an added bonus, when you keep things simple, you create more time to enjoy everything this special time of the year has to offer.
Think back on Christmases past. Chances are that what stands out aren’t the fanciest decorations, or events leading up to Christmas Eve and mountains of presents. Instead, if your family is anything like mine, the funny mishaps or simple pleasures are the things you remember most.
Below are a few ideas for simplifying to bring peace and keep the joy of the holiday alive.
Simplify Your Preparations
If you believe holiday guides and Instagram feeds, you may think that everything to do with Christmas from the decorations, gift wrapping, and even the food has to be perfect. It’s just not true. Christmas doesn’t have to be perfect to be enjoyable, and often, trying to accomplish everything for everyone creates an over-complicated, exhausting holiday season.
Wonky cookies taste just as good. Handmade ornaments are charming, even with – or maybe because – of their flaws. Mix and match holiday decorations reflect your style, your family history, and can bring back heartfelt memories. A burnt pie or an undercooked turkey may seem like a Christmas disaster, but it’s also a story you’ll retell and laugh about for years to come.
Simplify your Decorations
Stop striving for perfection. Instead, focus on enjoying this lovely season. At the end of the day, it won’t matter to your children, spouse, siblings, or grandkids how perfectly you wrapped their gifts. What matters is that you chose something meaningful. Don’t spend hours upon hours decorating the tree if it stresses you out. If you’re enjoying it, by all means go for it, but don’t force yourself to create a picture perfect holiday home. Instead, turn on some Christmas music and have some fun putting out decorations that mean the most to you. Then pile everyone in the car with some hot chocolate and go see the Christmas lights.
Simplify Your Expectations
It’s also important to realize that we all go through tough times. Some Christmases will be more challenging than others. While there are thousands of things that could happen to potentially ruin Christmas, how you react to any of them is up to you. Some years are better than others. Simply make the best of your current circumstances and move on.
Do what you can to give your loved ones a good Christmas, and chances are doing so will help cheer you up as well, no matter how big the challenges you’re facing. It’s often the unusual Christmases that will stand out and matter most to your little ones.
Create a Simple and Peaceful Christmas
I hope you give a simpler Christmas a try this year and enjoy a more meaningful and peaceful holiday season. Merry Christmas!
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