Free Printables, Monthly Motivation
See the Good! Monthly Motivation and Printable
Well, Here We Are
I don’t know about you, but this is my first pandemic. All my previous experience hasn’t really prepared me for this moment in time. Yes, I’m listening to the CDC Guidelines. I know how to follow instructions. I’m washing my hands, not touching my face (that’s a tough one), social distancing and staying at home. But when I hear the latest statistics, my anxiety starts to run a little high. I have loved ones, and friends, and friends of loved ones. And, just like you, I’m worried about every one of them.
Panic is a Natural Response
As humans, we’re hardwired to act at the first sign of disaster. We go into fight or flight mode because it’s helped us to survive. But some of our responses don’t really serve us in this modern age. And even more, some of our panicked actions make it worse for our fellow humans. Worry and fear is understandable. Taking more than you need is not. Hoarding so that others go without is selfish and destructive. We have an opportunity now to open our hearts and act with compassion.
There’s All Kinds of News
I know it’s the media’s job to tout statistics and worst case scenarios. We need and have a responsibility to be informed. But right now we need good news, too. We need to know of the man that shared his toilet tissue with delivery drivers. We need to know that basketball players are paying the salaries of the stadium employees, and that CEO’s are forgoing their salary to help their employees. And we need kind heartedness in the small things too. We need to hear about the concerts played for neighbors and of NYC’s daily 7 pm salute to their healthcare workers. These stories fill our hearts. They give us hope and courage. They provide a ray of light through the darkness, and importantly, they show us how we too can act with nobility to our neighbor.
See the Good
This month, amidst all the bad news and scary statistics, I want to encourage you to see the good. Focus on the extraordinary actions by ordinary people. Let’s be strengthened by and grateful for the good people who are doing very hard and very good things; doctors and nurses, janitors and grocery store clerks, garbage truck drivers and restaurant workers. These are our neighbors, family, and friends. They deserve our gratitude and recognition. And their example helps us to see the good that’s all around us.
Download your See the Good printable by clicking the button below
All the Pretty Particulars
My posts may contain affiliate links. Using the link to purchase will cost you no extra and helps to support artists and their groupie – me
This pretty artwork is included in the Watercolor Improvisation bundle by Eva-Katerina, and includes a huge assortment of beautiful floral art. Click here if you’d like to get it for yourself.
I also used the pretty Beauty Gadish calligraphy font, and it’s available here.
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Even More Freebies
Is there someone you’d like to thank? Download my pretty printable Thank You Card
Express your gratitude with my pretty Grateful for Everything printable
Read how kindness breeds success and download my ‘We Rise By Lifting Others’ printable
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