Free Printables, Monthly Motivation
Rest and de-stress – Monthly Motivation includes printable
Come to the woods, for here is rest.
~ John Muir
Rest and de-stress
Are you running around like a chicken with your head cut off? Do you have trouble remembering little things and feel like you’ll explode with all there is to do? These are all signs of brain overload and burnout, conditions that are all too common in our fast-paced, stressful world.
One of the main reasons we’re so much more stressed is because we’re taking on more. Most of us no longer mentally clock out at the end of the workday. Instead, we take our work home, and can always be reached via text or email. Add to that the stress of constant connectivity and social media and it’s no wonder we’re more stressed than ever. In an era where gathering as much information as quickly as possible is overvalued, our physical and mental health has suffered. And too often people ignore their stress levels until it’s too late, only afterwards realizing that the stress had a major impact on their mental and emotional health and quality of life.
Rest and relaxation
Because relaxation is crucial to reducing stress and improving our overall mental health, intentionally finding ways to rest is essential. And while relaxation is unique to each person, there’s one thing that will work for almost everyone, and that’s connecting with nature. So, for this month’s motivation let’s look at how spending time in nature can do wonders for your wellbeing.
Connect with nature
We know intuitively that nature is restful. For thousands of years, poets and philosophers have praised the benefits of the natural world, and beautiful natural places have been worshiped for their sacred properties. Today, science is validating what we’ve known all along: connecting to nature is profoundly healing.
In a recent study, scientists asked participants to spend at least 10 minutes three times a week connecting with nature. Participants could choose any place that made them feel connected to nature, whether it was a park, beach, forest, or backyard garden. The participant’s level of cortisol (a stress chemical) was then measured as they went about their day. Researchers found that spending just 20-30 minutes interacting with nature resulted in a significant reduction in stress.
Take it outside
Even in the most crowded cities, you should be able to find a bit of green space a few times a week. A neighborhood park, a wooded area, even a community garden or tree-lined street can work. If the sun is shining, head outside and enjoy it. Look at the clouds, listen to the birds, feel the wind on your face. If it’s stormy or rainy, watch the sky, listen to the rumbles of thunder and lightning. Stick your hand out and feel the rain. Spending just a half hour outside can help reduce your stress and improve your outlook.
Nature is rest
Experiencing nature can be a truly joyful experience. When you feel like you need a break, there’s no better place to take it than the great outdoors. Communing with nature helps reduce stress and allows you to function better in your daily life. And to inspire you to connect with mother nature, I’ve created a pretty ‘Here is Rest’ printable!
Download your free ‘Here is Rest’ Monthly Motivation printable by clicking the button below
All the Pretty Particulars
My posts may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through a link from this page costs you nothing extra and helps to support independent artists and their groupie – me.
This pretty forest artwork is by Happy Watercolor Shop. I purchased it at CreativeFabrica.com, and you can get it for your own projects here.
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This post is presented as informational entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding new routines or anything new to your diet.
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