Free Printables, Monthly Motivation
Pursuing a positive mindset will change your life! Includes Choose Happiness printable
Cultivating Optimism
The world is full of crazy these days. I’m not saying anything you don’t already know. Because of the nature of news, it’s easy to believe the only thing happening is war and fighting and failure. But there’s so much more to life than the headlines and the negative things you hear, and it’s important to make the choice to seek the good and cultivate a positive mindset.
Making the effort to cultivate optimism will help you create a better life for yourself. And studies have shown that an optimistic outlook is good for your health and happiness. How to do that though? It’s not always easy, so I’ve listed a few tips below that have helped me bring about positive change and a happy mindset. It doesn’t take long to develop a positive attitude, and that optimism can change your life.
A Positive Mindset Will Change Your Life
Do you know what happy, successful people think about every day? Quite simply, they think about what they want and how they can get it. Thinking about things that make you feel happy releases endorphins in your brain, which gives you a feeling of well-being. And when you spend your time thinking and talking about what you want from life and how you can achieve it, you’ll feel happier and more in control.
Focusing on what you want and how to get it also allows you to be open to new options and alternatives. If you’re sure you won’t get something, you’ll never look, will you? The simple act of searching for options opens your mind to possibilities and leads to an optimistic outlook.
The Importance of Optimism
If you believe you’re either born an optimist or not, think again! According to WebMD, optimism can be learned. Align your thinking with how optimists view the world, and you’ll start to feel happier. Psychological tests have shown that happy people have a specific quality that enables them to live a better life, and that quality is optimism.
Optimists Look For The Good In The World
There are two distinct ways that optimists deal with the world, which sets them apart from other people:
First, they remain focused on what they want and look for ways to achieve it. Then, they set clear goals and remain confident they’ll achieve the goals they set.
Second, an optimist looks for the good in every difficult situation. When something goes wrong, an optimist determines what knowledge can be gleaned from the situation. If you look for the good in someone or something, more often than not you’ll find it, and just by looking you’ll find you’ve adopted a more optimistic mindset.
The Power Of Pursuing a Positive Mindset
Positive thinking provides several benefits to your life:
Motivation: Willpower and motivation come from a strong mind. When you replace pessimism with optimism, you reshape your outlook.
Strong Relationships: Happiness attracts happiness, thus happy people attract people who are happy. Positivity breeds trust, which builds strong relationships. We’re hardwired to seek trust and without it, relationships can’t survive.
Confidence: Negativity can impact your self-esteem and confidence. Optimists laugh louder, love harder, and walk taller. The key to leading a happy life is loving yourself, so when you feel good about yourself, it shows.
Personal Responsibility: Optimists seek the lesson in every obstacle. They control their emotions and look at things logically, rather than look at what or who is to blame.
Choose Happiness
You can make the choice today to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. Focus on your blessings rather than your shortcomings. Look for the best in everyone around you, because really, most people are honest and good. Look for the good in their actions and in their words, and resolve to be of good cheer. It’s easy to be upbeat when everything in your life is going well. However, it’s even more important to remain positive when it feels as if things are falling apart. You can still draw on your inner strength and look to the bright side of life.
To help you remember that you have the power to choose happiness, I’ve created a pretty printable. Simply print out and post whereever you feel the need for a reminder. Happiness is yours if you choose it, but it does need to be a choice.
Download your Choose Happiness printable by clicking the button below.
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