12 Months of Abundance, Design, Free Printables
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs – 12 Months of Abundance
We don’t create abundance. Abundance is always there. We create limitations.
– Arnold Patent
May’s Abundance
While working up last month’s Changing our Negativity Bias post, I realized that so many of the negative statements one could list are the ones we tell ourselves. So this month I thought it could be useful to take a look at self-limiting beliefs, and examine what we can do to counteract those mindsets.
Self-limiting beliefs
If you haven’t heard the term, self-limiting beliefs are the negative thoughts and attitudes that hold us back from achieving our full potential. The beliefs are often ingrained in our subconscious and can stem from our own fears and doubts. They can also be a result of past experiences, or even societal conditioning. These beliefs can be subtle, causing us to hold ourselves back without even realizing that we’re doing it.
Self-limiting thoughts do this by affecting our decisions, and many times those self-imposed limits aren’t even tested. For example, people who think they’re not attractive won’t ask for a date. People who think they’re too old for a new career won’t look for a more satisfying job. What you believe about yourself can control the decisions you make every day.
You’re in charge
However, the good news is that any thought can be changed and you’re the one in charge. In order to reach our full potential, it’s important to recognize and challenge the mindsets we impose on ourselves. Listed below are steps you can take to overcome those self-limiting beliefs.
Identify the belief
Studies have shown that our emotional state and what we perceive to be true is tied to our system of self-beliefs. So if a thought feels off or creates a negative emotion, it’s time to take a close look at the idea. Could this be a self-limiting belief? One way to examine the belief is to write it down. Find out how strong the belief is and how it makes you feel.
Belief vs. fact
You’ve already figured out that something about the idea doesn’t ring true. So where’s the lie? When you understand the lie, it’s easier to know how to counter it.
Many self-limiting beliefs are limitations based on fictional ideas we have about ourselves. Most importantly, you need to acknowledge that the idea is a belief and not the truth. This step can be a struggle, but the reality is, a belief is not a fact. When we realize that these limitations aren’t truthful or real, we free ourselves to act against them. Take a step back and do your best to take an impartial look. Ask yourself if there’s any proof that this limiting thought is true.
Change your self talk
If what you were thinking is a lie, you can counter the false statement with the truth. But what if the thought was at least partially true? Then start by reminding yourself it’s not always the case. For example, you might think you’re always late. Maybe sometimes you are, in fact, late. To counter the self-limiting belief, you’ll want to remember when you were on time. By counteracting the lie, you’re taking control and not allowing the limiting belief to dictate your future behavior. It takes practice, but using simple tweaks in your internal dialogue can help you change your self-talk, and create empowering beliefs that lead to empowered actions.
Try a new belief
The final step is to take action on your new belief as if it were already true. You’ll need to let go of certainty and be willing to risk an unknown future. As an example, if you’re now trying on the belief that you’re a successful artist, you may enter your first art show. While it can be scary, it’s also an important step to overcome those negative and self-limiting beliefs. Tony Robbins.com tells us, “Applied knowledge is a dynamic tool in knocking down the walls of limiting beliefs.” This is your opportunity to reach beyond what’s comfortable for what you truly want.
Get help
If you feel unable to overcome limiting beliefs by yourself, it can be helpful to talk to a friend, or even a counselor. Getting help can be a positive and empowering step, especially from someone who can be impartial.
You can overcome
Self-limiting beliefs don’t have to control your life. When we’re willing to challenge the assumptions we have about ourselves and step outside our comfort zones to embrace growth and change, we can unlock our full potential and live the life we truly desire.
And finally, to remind you that the only limits are the ones you set for yourself, I’ve created a pretty printable. Reach for the life of your dreams. Your only limit is you!
Download your free ‘Only Limit’ 5×7 printable by clicking the button below
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All the Pretty Particulars
My posts may contain affiliate links. Using the link to purchase will cost you no extra and helps to support independent artists and their groupie – me
This artwork is part of the amazing English Garden Watercolor bundle from Eclectic Anthology. If you’d like to purchase, you can pick it up here.
More Motivation
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