A New Month, a New Year, and a New January Free Printable
Hello January and Hello New Year!
January isn’t just a new month. It’s a new beginning. While we could argue that the first of January is no different than the first of any month, or even no different than the day before, the first of January is symbolic. It’s a time we set aside to start fresh, to reflect and resolve to make changes. It’s when we feel the spark of new beginnings and the opportunity to do better.
I have lots of resolutions, but I’m not going to share them here. Over the years, I’ve found talking too much about what I want to do dilutes my energy. I have a tendency to literally ‘talk it out’. When I feel excited about a project or an idea, I want to talk about it and get feedback, then having shared the ideas, the energy dissipates. Not good when you have ambitious goals. I’ve found it’s better to conserve that energy and use it to push forward. So, for now I’ll just say I have things in the works. Hopefully it will bear fruit and you’ll see the results, but until then I’ll contain and direct the energy where it will help me make progress.
Let’s Have Some Fun
One thing I will say is that I plan on creating lots of printables this year! I don’t know that it’s practical, but I love graphic design and want to share it. Learning WordPress is a challenge (there’s definitely room for improvement) and sharing printables is a fun way to share my love of design while I work on my blogging skills.
Download your free January printable by clicking the button below
Be Sure to Sign Up~
Before you go, click here to sign up! Subscribers receive post updates, direct links to my newest free printables and an exclusive digital wallpaper of each month’s featured printable. Digital wallpapers are only available for the first month, so don’t miss out!
All the Pretty Particulars
My posts may contain affiliate links. Using the link to purchase will cost you no extra and helps to support artists and their groupie – me
The art I used for this pretty printable is from the Antuenetto Art bundle at Creative Market. You can grab your own copy of these pretty snowflakes here.
The font for January is the pretty Nouradilla script font. You can get it here.
Even More Freebies
Celebrate this frosty season with a free ‘Hello Winter’ printable
Download my pretty January Quote printable
Read my favorite quotes for Winter and download a free Winter Quote printable
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