The Many Health Benefits of Rosemary
Have you ever had a moment when something you haven’t paid much attention to suddenly takes center stage? That happened for me with Rosemary. It was just another herb in my spice cabinet, but the first Thanksgiving my daughter hosted was a wakeup for me. She’s a better cook than I am (I’m OK with that, especially when she cooks for me). Tucked into her basement apartment kitchen, we stood at the range tasting the gravy we’d concocted from a few spices in turkey drippings, butter, and water. It was pretty bland. Mumbling something under her breath, she tossed in rosemary leaves. I caught the aroma of it’s pungent, piney scent and everything changed. The gravy sang on my tongue. It perfectly complemented the turkey, danced beautifully with the stuffing, and bathed the potatoes in a lush, savory blanket. It was sublime.
The Many Health Benefits of Rosemary
You may be a foodie who’s always been aware of the fragrant freshness of rosemary, but for me, it was an eye opener. My new ‘it’ herb. Suddenly I found rosemary popping up in recipes all over the place. The topiaries appeared in the grocery store. I snipped fresh twigs to embellish my dishes. I tucked sprigs into bacon wrapped chicken breasts before grilling, snugged the stems under the skin of turkey before roasting, tossed the needle-like leaves into marinara. Rosemary became my own darling, my secret ingredient. But the benefits of this herb go beyond the flavor it adds to food. Fresh, dried, or as oil, rosemary offers a wide range of nutrients. Read on to learn how it can be an important addition to our healthy diets.
Rosemary is perhaps best known for its ability to help with memory. Studies conducted on healthy seniors confirm that the herb’s oil significantly enhances memory. Additional studies show that the leaf also has a beneficial effect on cognitive function.
Rosemary oil is antibacterial and antiseptic. When combined with cinnamon, the essential oil was even found to inhibit yeast, mold, and Listeria on chicken. Other studies show that it slows bacteria growth and oxidation in meat.
Vitamin and Mineral Powerhouse
Much of what makes rosemary so effective is that our body can readily absorb the nutrients. Rosemary has high concentrations of phytonutrients that are easily absorbed. It contains vitamin A in the form of carotenoid antioxidants as well as many B vitamins; pyridoxine, folate, and riboflavin. It’s also high in vitamin C and has high concentrations of minerals. It’s good for our eyes, skin, bones, blood vessels and organs.
Some of the most promising research has been to determine Rosemary’s ability to fight cancer. The polyphenols inhibit the growth of ovarian and lung cancer cells.
Topical Uses
Rosemary has been found to stimulate hair growth. It’s anti-inflammatory properties treat muscle pain and help heal wounds in bath therapy. There is strong evidence that the polyphenols in rosemary protect against skin damage and can help with eczema. It also makes an effective natural insect repellant. It’s useful for colds, allergies, and asthma.
Rosemary enhances our health
Whether using topically or in our food, Rosemary enhances our health while making food taste terrific. It’s an all around win!
Keep in mind
Like any other essential oil, only use rosemary oil with a carrier oil. Essential oils can be hazardous if used undiluted. Please exercise common sense. When using the leaves, there’s no need to overdo it – just season according to taste.
Learn how to use essential oils: http://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/explore-healing-practices/aromatherapy/how-do-i-choose-and-use-essential-oils
This information is presented as entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding anything new to your diet.
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