Free Printables, Healthy Lifestyle
Let’s Get Cozy! Creating a Hygge lifestyle and a fun printable!
It’s fall, y’all! Autumn is such a beautiful time of year, but I have a conflicted relationship with this season. It’s just so short! And after leaving us so soon, it ushers in my 4th favorite season 😉 . But, this year I’m going to try embracing an idea you may have heard about. This year, I’m going to use the concept Hygge to bring a little cheer and cozy comfort to the months ahead. Since Autumn feels like a natural time for nesting, it’s the perfect opportunity to implement the concept of hygge and bring in a little coziness.
Hygge is a feeling and a lifestyle
Hygge, pronounced (Hue-gah), is a word used by Danish and Norwegian people to describe a feeling of protection, coziness, and well-being. The essence of hygge can be described as the feeling you have when curled up in a blanket to read your favorite book, or the warm and homey feeling you get from sitting by a fire with a bowl of homemade soup on a cold day.
Create a cozy corner
If you’re interested in trying a little of the hygge lifestyle for yourself, you can start small by creating a simple, cozy corner. Since the hygge concept incorporates a contrast between outside elements and feeling secure and snug inside your home, a comfortable seat by a window is perfect. But if that’s not an option, just pick a spot with a comfortable chair and a little side table.
Coziness is key to creating your hygge corner, so include warm blankets and your favorite accent pillows to dress the space. You’ll want to add warm lighting and a candle or two nearby. Lit candles will help add warmth and intimacy to your nook. Books and natural decor will also add to your hygge vibe. You certainly don’t need to spend a lot of money, if any at all, to create a space that evokes hygge in your home. And to help warm up your cozy corner, I’ve made a pretty ‘Let’s Get Cozy’ printable!
Download your ‘Let’s Get Cozy’ free printable by clicking the button below
All the Pretty Particulars
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This artwork is by Paw Studio and features lots of pretty Boho elements. If you like it too, you can pick it up here.
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