Free Printables, Monthly Motivation, Wellness
Learn, Live, Dream! Monthly Motivation with printable
Live, Learn, and Dream!
Have you ever thought about how much of our time we spend in the past? So often we spend our energy ruminating about events that have already come and gone. We live with regrets and guilt, or unrealized dreams, second guessing and wishing we had made a different choice. But when we carry those burdens with us, I think we’re missing the point. Every event in our life has the opportunity to teach us, but if we spend our time dwelling on what we perceive as failures, we miss the opportunity to add the lesson of that experience to our toolbox of Now. The past is gone. All we have is this sacred moment. Those events, whether good or bad, offer us an opportunity to learn and grow.
Stop Nurturing Your Regrets
Yes, your mistakes were real. But as long as you’re nurturing your feelings of guilt and regret, you’ll stay stuck. Resolve to add the lesson(s) of that experience to your life and move on. As long as you’re holding on to those regrets, you’ll be closed to new opportunities. You are strong and capable. Live and be present today. And instead of regrets, nurture the feelings of gratitude and your dreams of all the wonderful possibilities to come.
Your Monthly Motivation printable
This month, let’s resolve to stay in the present moment and live with gratitude for the lessons we’ve learned, the wonderful opportunity of today, and the dreams we can create for tomorrow. I hope this pretty printable will remind you to be present and grateful for today. Learn from yesterday, live for today and dream for tomorrow!
Download your Learn, Live, Dream printable by clicking the button below
[ddownload id=”86534″]
All the Pretty Particulars
My posts may contain affiliate links. Using the link to purchase will cost you no extra and helps to support artists and their groupie – me!
The artwork I used for this month’s printable was created by CreativeQube-Design, If you love it too, you can purchase the Loving Saskia font and graphic bundle here. The pretty serif font is Marschel Pro (click here) and the always fun Paprika extended font (click here).
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