June’s birthstone is the classic Pearl! Includes free printable

Design, Free Printables

June’s birthstone is the classic Pearl! Includes free printable

June is here

Beautiful June is here! You have to be a hardened cynic not to love this gorgeous spring to summer month.  It’s a month full of classics: June weddings, beautiful June roses are in bloom, long summer days, and beautiful, mild evenings. So, I guess it’s no surprise that the classic Pearl is the birthstone for June.

June Pearls

Created when mollusks coat an irritant with the same substance as their interior lining, or ‘nacre’, pearls are considered gems rather than stone. The color of the pearl takes on the color of the mollusk’s nacre, resulting in shades from white to pink, cream, gold, and even an iridescent black. Saltwater mollusks spontaneously create the classic, natural pearl, so they’re very rare. The most valuable pearls are perfectly round, but the irregular shape of freshwater pearls are also beautiful and valued. When the process of ‘culturing’ was developed in 1883, pearls became more widely available and affordable to own.

The birthstone for June is the classic pearl and includes a free printable

Pearl Birthstones

Pearls have long been a symbol of wealth, fertility, and luxury. East Asian cultures granted the wearer of pearls wisdom and good fortune. Today, pearls are considered a more feminine gem, but that wasn’t always the case. In the past kings wore strands of pearls to show their wealth. And traditionally, pearls make a beautiful, symbolic gift for both third and thirtieth anniversaries.

The birthstone for June is the classic pearl and includes a free printable

History of Birthstones

Birthstones have risen in popularity in recent years. The history of birthstones can be traced back to the first century, with descriptions found in the book of Exodus. However, the society now known as Jewelers of America chose the modern birthstones we know today, with updates to the list in 1935.  The U.S. list is very similar to the UK list and is the one I’ve chosen for this series.

The birthstone for June is the classic pearl and includes a free printable

Download your free June Pearl Birthstone Series printable by clicking the button below


The birthstone for June is the classic pearl and includes a free printable

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All the Pretty Particulars

My posts may contain affiliate links. Using the link to purchase will cost you no extra and helps to support independent artists and their groupie – me 😉

For this series I’m using birthstones from a few different sources. If you’d like artwork for your own projects, I’ve linked similar items here.

The elements in this series are by Design Work at DesignBundles.com, and you can get those here.

You can find the Reverie font I used over at beckmccormick.com


my-favorite-june-quote-new-printableMore Pretty Freebies

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