I must have Peonies! Download my pretty new printable
I must have flowers, always and always.
~ Claude Monet
Oh, Peony! Today’s post is just for love of beautiful Peonies. They’ve bloomed so late this year I’ve been worried they wouldn’t bloom at all, but the first finally opened last week and this week is all about my wonderful Peonies!

My beautiful ‘Edulis Superba’ Peony!
Peonies are a gift
My beloved peonies were a gift from my father-in-law from his own garden over 20 years ago. For the first few years I was afraid I’d never see them bloom, but they finally took hold (good drainage, shallow roots and benign neglect are a peony’s friend) and about 5 years back I divided my biggest clump. It always scares me a bit to mess with my perennials because I’m sad to say I’ve killed a few plants over the years. But I like to think my father-in-law sprinkled a little of his gardening mojo when he gave me the starts, and that’s why they’ve thrived. When they bloom I always feel as if I have a bit of him in my garden with us.
So Many Peonies
From what I’ve been able to learn, my peonies are called ‘Edulis Superba’. They’re heavily scented and have large outer petals that frame the smaller inner blossom. I want to branch out, but remember what I just mentioned about killing plants? Yeah, there were some other varieties of peonies that I bought and murdered. I’d like to think I’ve learned some since then, but I have peony guilt. 😉
Flowers are the Earth’s Jewelry
I’m a fan of most any flower. I even enjoy the standard Memorial Day supermarket mums. Everything from the most humble to the loudest are so beautiful. When nature wears her jewelry, it’s always a wonderful show. I completely agree with Monet. I must have flowers! And I have flowers for you too!
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Share your love of flowers with my Irrationally Happy floral printable
Download my pretty Earth Laughs in Flowers free printable
Read my top 10 list for Summer and download my pretty printable
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