Ground yourself! The health benefits of earthing
Touch your soles to the soul of the earth and feel her magic.
– Unknown
One of my favorite summertime pleasures is putting my feet in the grass. It’s such a simple act, but really does have a profoundly soothing effect on me. So I thought it would be interesting to look at what science has to say about the health benefits of grounding, also known as earthing. If you’re not sure that earthing will do anything for you, read on for just a few of the excellent benefits you’ll receive by spending time in contact with the Earth.
The health benefits of earthing
Grounding is often called earthing because you’re in direct physical contact with the Earth. When you’re grounding, you physically touch the Earth’s surface. It can be dirt, grass, the ocean, or the sand at the beach. And although using bare feet is the most common way to ground yourself, any time your skin touches the Earth you’re coming in contact with it’s negatively-charged electrons.
You’re electric
Humans are bioelectric beings, and much like modern electrical systems are grounded to the Earth, we also need to be grounded. When we come into direct contact with the Earth’s electromagnetic field we absorb natural negative electrons, rapidly reducing positively charged free radicals and balancing our systems. Think of it as “electric nutrition”.
Reduces stress
One of the top benefits people get from earthing is relief from anxiety, stress, and tension. Studies have shown that grounding helps to normalize cortisol function, the key hormone responsible for the body’s stress response.
Earthing has been shown to produce measurable relief for pain and inflammation. Since chronic inflammation is present in autoimmune diseases like Lupus, inflammatory bowel disorders, and rheumatoid arthritis, reducing inflammation can help relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.
Helps circulation
The Earth’s negatively-charged electrons can also improve circulation and has been shown to significantly speed wound healing. Improved circulation also resulted in reduced fatigue, improved mood and induced better quality sleep.
Easy ways to add grounding to your life
The simplest and most effective way to start earthing is to just go outside and put your bare feet onto the Earth’s natural surface. It can be done at a park, in the forest, or while hiking or going for a walk. Going camping? Ditch your shoes when you find a bare spot of ground that looks safe to stand on. You can also lie down on the grass at a park, put your bare feet into the sand, or submerge your body in natural forms of water, like a river, lake, or the ocean.
Keep in Mind
If you’re in an office all day and aren’t able to spend time outside, you can purchase floor or chair mats, bed pads, grounding patches, or body bands to help you make that Earth connection.
Finally, conventional medicine doesn’t recommend using grounding as a replacement, but as a preventive and therapeutic to complement other treatments.
Ground yourself
Earthing is an amazing way to relax and reduce pain, stress, and anxiety, as well as improve our immune systems and overall health. It not only helps you feel more connected to the Earth, but also more connected to yourself. And it’s a simple practice that helps you to be your best, at every age.
This post is presented as informational entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding new regimens or anything new to your diet.
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Photo attributions:
Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash
Johnny McClung on Unsplash
Apostolos Vamvouras from Pexels
Darius Bashar on Unsplash
PNW Production from Pexels
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