Go Soak! Why you want to detox with an Epsom salt bath
I love a good soak, so this isn’t the first time I’ve written about using baths as a healing tool. In an earlier post, 5 Natural Ways to Health Aches and Pains, I listed an Epsom salt bath as one natural way to ease pain. And since spring is when many are looking for a good detox, I thought we could delve a little deeper into the benefits of an Epsom salt bath.
More and more people are detoxing as part of their health and wellness routines. However, it also means you’ll see lots of fads that claim to help you detox. Yet one of the best ways to detox is still the one your grandmother may have recommended. And what is that tried and true method? It’s a good, old fashioned Epsom salt bath.
What is Epsom salt?
Epsom salt is a combination of sulfate and magnesium. Sulfate is known to help strengthen parts of the digestion tract and makes it easier for the body to release toxins that may have been building up in the gut. Magnesium helps remove toxins by improving multiple body functions. Together, the two ingredients stimulate pathways that can help clear out impurities.
Benefits of an Epsom salt bath
Epsom salt baths offer a wide range of benefits. A warm bath with Epsom salt soothes skin, reduces muscle soreness, promotes circulation, reduces stress, and promotes foot health. Especially helpful during winter, Epsom salt baths help treat dry skin by exfoliating rough, dead skin cells and relieves mild skin conditions like redness or bumps on the skin.
Reduces inflammation, soreness, and stress
An Epsom salt bath can help if you’re experiencing soreness or pain. At it’s most basic, an Epsom salt bath relieves minor muscle soreness. It also eases inflammation from arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
Magnesium can be absorbed through the skin, and the magnesium in an Epsom salt bath has been shown to soothe nerves and reduce both mental and physical stress. Magnesium has also been linked with the production of melatonin, known to help provide a good night’s sleep. Additionally, you’ll feel more calm and relaxed just by soaking in a warm bath.
Improves foot health
Epsom salt baths are helpful for a variety of foot issues including toenail infections, itchy feet, foot odor, and athlete’s foot. However, it’s not recommended if you have any kind of open wound.
How to detox with an Epsom salt bath
You can buy Epsom salt at any high-quality grocery store, health food store or online. Just pour about 2 cups of Epsom salt into warm bath water while the faucet is running. After the salt dissolves, soak in the warm bath for 15-20 minutes. Resting after an Epsom salt bath will help maximize results.
Go soak with an Epsom salt bath
Yes, the tried and true detox is the same one your grandmother or mother may have recommended for decades. One of the best ways to detox impurities from your body is an old fashioned Epsom salt bath. If you’re looking for a good spring detox, I hope you’ll give an Epsom salt bath a try!
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This information is presented as entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding new routines or anything new to your diet.
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Photo credits:
Photo byNik OwensonUnsplash
Photo byCRYSTALWED onUnsplash
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