Exceptional Echinacea! Natural and healing
It’s that time of year! Right on cue, colds and flu are making their rounds. Wearing face masks over the last couple of years meant we weren’t exposed to the typical viruses and bacteria that activated our immune systems. It’s so important that we do our best to take care of ourselves and boost our immunity as much as possible. With that in mind, I thought it would be interesting to look at one of the most effective immune-boosting herbal supplements available today, and that is Echinacea. Read on to learn just a few of the benefits of this exceptional herb.
Benefits of Echinacea
Echinacea is a member of the daisy family. This pretty perennial is recognized by it’s large center cone, and is most often seen in pink or purple. In the garden, it’s perfect at the back of the flower border, and can grow up to 4 feet tall.
Native Americans traditionally used Echinacea for pain and to speed wound healing, and the juices were extracted to treat coughs and infections. They shared this knowledge with European settlers, who also used the herb for medicinal purposes as well as trade. Today, Echinacea is mostly used as a supplement for immune support. It’s widely available as tea, tinctures, capsules, tablets, creams and ointments.
Immune support
Studies have shown that Echinacea contains an impressive amount of easily absorbed nutrients that aid and speed healing. Commonly taken to boost the immune system, it can shorten the duration of a cold or flu. Starting as soon as symptoms start can shorten the severity and time you feel sick by at least a day, and for some people can reduce the time by half.
Kills infections
Echinacea is also great at fighting infections. Used to relieve fever and sore throats, it’s effective for upper respiratory and ear infections, as well as yeast and urinary tract infections. One study even suggested that Echinacea created an antiviral response to cold sores when taken prior to infection. And even when it doesn’t completely eliminate viruses, it can reduce the viral load enough to prevent more serious symptoms.
Strengthens upper respiratory
Echinacea is especially good at dealing with upper respiratory infections. In recent years, studies have revealed that echinacea is comparable to traditional medicines for asthma, because it’s quick to reduce bronchial tube and lung inflammation.
Reduces Inflammation
Reducing inflammation is essential to healing the body. Echinacea can reduce painful swelling and speed the healing process by protecting the skin against inflammation and irritation. You can take a supplement, use a cream, or create a poultice and apply directly to the affected area.
Reduces Pain
One of the most overlooked attributes of this herb is its ability to relieve pain. Chewing the plant or drinking Echinacea tea can reduce toothache pain. You can also apply a cream or ointment where needed for pain relief.
Promising research
Echinacea works well to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, so it’s no surprise that it protects against some of the most serious illnesses. While there’s currently no direct evidence that Echinacea eradicates cancer, it’s been shown to cause cell death in colon cancer, as well as stimulate the immune system. Echinacea continues to be widely studied, so look for more confirmation in the future about the healing power of this amazing herb.
Keep in mind
It’s extremely important to do your research for any natural supplement. Only three Echinacea species are used medicinally, so consult an expert before using plants you find in the wild. Be sure to purchase from high quality sources that are certified for purity and authenticity.
Additionally, though somewhat uncommon, allergic reactions have been reported. Be cautious if you have any allergies to plants in the daisy family. It’s always best to be conservative when taking supplements. Don’t take Echinacea for more than 6 to 8 weeks at a time. Finally, avoid Echinacea if you take anything for the liver, diabetes, or autoimmune diseases. Always check with your health care professional if you have questions or concerns.
Exceptional Echinacea
Some people don’t handle over the counter medications well, while others simply want to use more natural options before resorting to harsher medications. Since its introduction to the market, Echinacea has stood out as an herbal remedy that is safe, natural, and effective. Follow directions and give it time to work. I think you’ll find Echinacea will make a useful addition to your natural medicine cabinet.
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This post is presented as informational entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding new routines or anything new to your diet or regimen.
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