Best at Every Age, Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness
Enhance Your Wellness with these 5 simple tips
It’s a crazy, busy life, isn’t it? So much going on and so many obligations that some days it just can’t get done. Even worse, your own wellness doesn’t even make it to the list. But if you aren’t caring for yourself, those that matter to you the most aren’t getting your best. While it may feel as if you’re just adding another huge to-do to your list, taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be complicated. When practiced daily, even very small steps can really make a difference.
Listed below are some easy things you can add to your daily routine to help boost your health. Check out my fun infographic and read on to learn 5 simple tips to enhance your wellness, starting today.
1. Breathe
It may seem like an unusual suggestion, but do you ever take the time to just sit and breathe? Focused breathing relieves stress and there are lots of different breathing exercises to choose from. Even just one session of concentrated breathing will leave you feeling more relaxed.
Over time if you do this at least once a day, you’ll find you feel calmer, less emotional, and just generally better.
2. Go For A Walk
Instead of putting off exercise because you don’t have enough money or time to join a gym, just take a step out your front door and take a walk. You can get the family involved and walk around the block or to a nearby park. Walking is a gentle exercise that offers a good cardio workout. And you’ll have the added benefit of enjoying some fresh air.
Take a walk after lunch, or make it a nightly after-dinner ritual.
3. Have a drink or 8
The standard recommendation is to drink around 8 glasses of water per day. Even low-level dehydration can cause problems like bad breath and fatigue, and make you susceptible to illness.
Every time you go into your kitchen, try to remember to have a glass of water. Whether you’re making a meal or grabbing a snack, use it as a prompt to drink a glass of water. And keeping a water bottle with you when you’re away from home is another good way to remember to stay hydrated.
Getting enough water every day has a long list of benefits, including fighting fatigue, improving brain function, lubricating joints, and beautiful skin (who doesn’t want that?)
4. Eat Whole
I get it. We’re all busy. Sometimes the idea of cooking a meal is just too much, so we end up stopping at the drive-thru or throwing in a microwave dinner. While these shortcuts may save time, ultimately, they’re unhealthy choices.
Fast food and processed food (and we won’t even talk about the junk that masquerades as food) are full of salt, bad fats, sugar and more calories than we need at one meal. Fast food also tends to be heavily processed and since it’s often fried, the nutrition is practically non-existent.
Try to cut back on these unhealthy foods and instead cook from scratch as much as possible. Batch cooking can help (leftovers are a very good thing!) It’s not too hard to cook up a healthy chicken breast with veggies on the side. Frozen vegetables can round out a meal, and even scrambled eggs for dinner is a quality protein and makes a quick weeknight option.
5. Get Your Rest
You know sleep is important. Sleep is a chance for your body to rejuvenate and heal. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll not only be tired the next day, but your health can suffer too.
Being tired makes us emotional, stressed, and can even make us more susceptible to illnesses. Everyone’s needs are a little different, but try to get around 7-8 hours per night for the best benefits that sleep has to offer.
Simple Changes Can Enhance Wellness
While there are big, ambitious changes you can make to improve your health, implementing these 5 simple tips will enhance your overall wellness. And who knows? With the extra energy, that big wellness goal may be your next step!
This information is presented as entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding anything new to your diet or regimen.
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