12 Months of Abundance, Design, Free Printables
Creating a habit for success – 12 Months of Abundance
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
~ Jim Ryun
Whatever change you’re planning to make or ambition you aim to achieve, creating a habit is a powerful tool to help you realize your goals. I’ve talked before about the power of habit to design the life you want for yourself. And this month, I’m offering 3 simple steps you can use to build those good habits.
The science of habits
It’s commonly said that in 21 to 30 days you can retrain your mind and body to develop new behaviors. There are so many areas in our lives that could be improved and made easier if we created new habits. However, getting into the habit of doing something is often easier said than done. It’s so easy to acquire bad habits, but getting into a “good” habit can be a little more challenging. You want habits that don’t hold you back, but instead help you reach the milestones on your way to your goals. Read on for a three step process that you can follow until you’ve internalized your new behavior and made it a true habit.
Decide what you want to do
The first step is to decide what you want your new habit to be. Some simple examples include drinking more water, being more active, or saving money for that big vacation. Additionally, don’t overlook developing new mental habits, because a healthy mindset is itself a worthy goal. Whatever it is, as long as you feel it will help you on your journey, that’s all that matters.
Be specific
Once you’ve decided on the habit you’d like to create, figure out how you’ll work it into your everyday life. Be as specific as possible. Don’t just tell yourself you want to exercise more, instead create an action plan. Say something like “I’ll go for a 30 minute walk every single day”. Deciding what your new habit will be, and committing to when and how you’re going to do it, is half the battle. Without a specific action, the odds of you actually making it part of your weekly routine are pretty slim.
Work it into your routine
It will take time before your new behavior becomes a true habit, and it will form faster if you stick to the same time and place each day. This is where using a routine will be to your best advantage. Even before your behavior becomes automatic, working it into a routine will help you get it done without having to rely on willpower or daily reminders. For example, journal before bed every night, or make that daily walk part of your after dinner routine.
Be patient with yourself
It’s so important to be flexible when adding any new behaviors. You don’t want to get so stressed that you don’t follow through. Keep your routine open to changes, and don’t overdo it. Build slowly. It takes awhile for a new habit to take root, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re inconsistent at first. Keep at it and remember why you started.
To your success
Creating good habits will help you bring about real and positive achievements. Once you’ve decided to create a new habit, it will take a few weeks of practicing the routine until it’s second nature, but you’ll start to see progress that will help to keep you motivated. And to inspire you along the way, I’ve created a printable that reminds you to use the power of habit to manifest your dreams. Congratulations on your success!
Download your free Habit 5×7 printable by clicking the button below
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All the Pretty Particulars
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This artwork is part of the amazing English Garden Watercolor bundle from Eclectic Anthology. If you’d like to purchase, you can pick it up here.
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