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“There’s compelling evidence that Japan, Hong Kong, and other East Asian locales are doing it right and we should really, truly mask up—fast.” ~ David Ewing Duncan Ok, facts are…
“There’s compelling evidence that Japan, Hong Kong, and other East Asian locales are doing it right and we should really, truly mask up—fast.” ~ David Ewing Duncan Ok, facts are…
Free Printables, Monthly Motivation
We can all share goodness The Coronavirus quarantine has been a bumpy ride so far, hasn’t it? With staggering statistics and political spins, the topic of COVID-19 has become all…
I am no master gardener, especially when it comes to growing herbs outdoors. In the past they’ve either bolted too quick or not done so great. So, this year I’ve…
Free Printables, Monthly Motivation
Well, Here We Are I don’t know about you, but this is my first pandemic. All my previous experience hasn’t really prepared me for this moment in time. Yes, I’m…
Free Printables, Healthy Lifestyle
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. World’s gone a little crazy I…
Free Printables, Monthly Motivation, Wellness
Live, Learn, and Dream! Have you ever thought about how much of our time we spend in the past? So often we spend our energy ruminating about events that have…
Will winter never end?! You don’t need to answer. I know it will end, but the months until springtime last way too long. And it feels harder to stay healthy…
Free Printables, Monthly Motivation, Wellness
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh Monthly Motivation – Love Yourself It’s…
Best at Every Age, Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness
It’s a crazy, busy life, isn’t it? So much going on and so many obligations that some days it just can’t get done. Even worse, your own wellness doesn’t even…