The wisdom of seasonal eating
Seasonal Eating One food movement getting a lot of attention recently is seasonal eating. Eating seasonally just means eating produce during the season it’s harvested. For example, during winter months it…
Seasonal Eating One food movement getting a lot of attention recently is seasonal eating. Eating seasonally just means eating produce during the season it’s harvested. For example, during winter months it…
Free Printables, Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness
Holiday Hygge Hygge, pronounced (Hue-gah), can be generally described as a feeling of coziness, comfort, familiarity, friendship, laughter and seasonal homemade food and drinks. Although it’s possible to achieve hygge any…
Cinnamon’s remarkable health benefits The Holidays are fast approaching, and is it even a celebration without the scent of cinnamon in the air? Surrounded by baked goods, cinnamon sticks, and…
Sweet and versatile honey Honey has been cherished for its sweetness and versatility for thousands of years. But beyond its delicious taste, honey’s medicinal properties offer a wide range…
12 Months of Abundance, Free Printables
No one has ever become poor by giving. – Anne Frank The joy of giving Generosity is one of those “laws” of the universe that doesn’t seem to make sense…
Benefits and uses of ginger The Holidays are ahead, and one of the season’s most beloved spices is ginger. Used in cookies, cakes, and the ever popular gingerbread house, it’s…
12 Months of Abundance, Free Printables, Wellness
Why practice gratitude? In a world often filled with stress and negativity, happiness can seem hard to find. However, practicing gratitude has the power to shift our perspective, boost our…
12 Months of Abundance, Free Printables, Wellness
It is only possible to live happily ever after on a daily basis. – Margaret Bonanno Building a happiness habit It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the constant stream of…
12 Months of Abundance, Free Printables, Wellness
The key to effective visualization is to create the most detailed,clear and vivid a picture to focus on as possible.The more vivid the visualization, the more likely, and quickly, you…