Free Printables, Monthly Motivation, Wellness
Build good habits to reach your goals! Monthly Motivation includes printable
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”
~ Aristotle
Hello New Year! This is the time of year we reflect on the past year (good riddance 2020!) and set our sights on new goals. But the real trick to reaching our goals is to stay motivated and consistent. And one of the easiest ways to stay consistent is to create good habits. So much of what we do is automatic behavior, so when we build healthy habits into our daily routine we are creating stepping stones that enable us to reach our goals.
Willpower is a limited resource and it can be exhausting to force yourself to do something. However, once you’ve created a habit you don’t need to rely on willpower. And it doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Start by building a few small habits into your routine. If the idea of building habits is intimidating, think of it as scheduling. Whatever term you use, the idea is to create a routine that’s driven by habit, rather than willpower. With a few simple strategies, you can create behaviors that will help you reach your goals. Read on for a few ways to build good habits into your life.
Find your why
When we first make goals, we feel an initial surge of enthusiasm. But it’s inevitable that motivation wanes. Build a habit that helps you revisit your goal and brings your motivation level back up. Journaling is an effective way to remind yourself why you started, and creating the habit of daily journaling also gives you the opportunity to reflect and visualize what you hope to achieve. Another way to keep your motivation up is to surround yourself with people who inspire you. Schedule a regular meeting (right now that might be a zoom or phone call) to help you stay motivated, and as a bonus, you’ll enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded people.
Small steps turn into habits
If you’re dealing with a big goal, it’s easy to lose your motivation when it feels like you’re not making progress. Having small goals gives you milestones to celebrate and maintains motivation. Start with small changes like drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning, or taking the stairs instead of using the elevator. Building small habits into your daily routine will create successful steps to help you reach your goal.
Take care of yourself
You know it’s impossible to be productive or maintain a positive attitude when you’re not feeling good. That’s why it’s so important to take charge of your health. Setting up some healthy habits, such as a 15-minute walk every day, or creating a healthy meal plan, will help you stay motivated longer just because you feel better. Your improved health makes this an all around win.
Be proactive
Getting the jump on things is a habit that not only keeps your boss happy but also gives you a rush of dopamine. Build habits of being early, or do things that help you think ahead. For example, make lists that not only keep you on task but ahead of the game. Another proactive habit is to start your day the night before. Before bed, organize what you’ll wear, eat, and need when start your morning, or when you leave the house. If consistent, this nighttime routine can also signal your brain that it’s time for bed and sleep, another good habit you want to cultivate.
Good habits create success
Building good habits will help you stay motivated to reach your goals. And for this month’s motivation, I’ve created a pretty quote printable reminding us that excellence is the result of the habits we create!
Download your free Monthly Motivation ‘Excellence Habit’ printable by clicking the button below
All the Pretty particulars
This pretty artwork is part of a big bundle of beautiful winter florals from Watercoloreps, at Creative Fabrica (be sure to sign up for daily freebies!) If you’d like to pick up the set for yourself, you can get it here.
The font I used is the pretty Rosaline Script, and you can get it here.
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Before you go, click here to sign up! Subscribers receive post updates, direct links to my newest free printables and exclusive digital desktop images of each month’s featured printable. Digital desktop images are only available for the first month, so don’t miss out!
More Inspiration
Download your Learn, Live, and Dream printable
Read why persistence is the key to success and download your Press On printable
Download my pretty January Carnation printable, first in a new series
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