6 ways to bring positivity into your everyday life! Includes free ‘Good Year’ printable
Life can be harsh. And because it can so often be hard, it’s important to be positive. Although sometimes being positive is easier said than done. Positivity is all about training yourself to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s deciding to think on the bright side even when you don’t want to.
In previous posts, I’ve talked about how important it is to cultivate a positive mindset, and ways to surround yourself with positive inspiration. In this post, let’s look at six ways to incorporate positivity into your everyday life, starting today.
Surround Yourself With Positivity
It’s difficult to be positive when you’re surrounded by negativity. So to bring more positivity into your life, it’s crucial to surround yourself with people who lift you up. Your friends, co-workers and family all share an important space in your everyday life. This space should be filled with support and encouragement. Ask yourself if those who bring you down deserve to share this important space. It may be time for you to reevaluate your circle of influence and switch things up a bit.
Do Something For Someone Else
Have you ever heard the saying, “You get what you give”? This is ever so true when talking about positivity. If you sow positive, you will reap positive. Sometimes, we can be wrapped up in our own negativity and what’s happening to us that we forget there’s a whole other world out there. Take a step outside of your little world and step inside of someone else’s.
Smile at a stranger.
Buy someone a meal.
Perform an act of service for someone who needs it.
Whatever it may be, it will force you to look beyond yourself and may just reward you with some much needed positivity from someone else.
Take Time For Yourself
Self-care is the process of doing what you need to improve your wellbeing and maintain a healthy relationship with yourself. Self care creates positive feelings, which in turn improves self-esteem and confidence. Self-care will look different for each person. Whether it’s taking a bath, getting an extra hour’s sleep, exercising, or simply doing some deep breathing, self-care is not selfish. Taking time for yourself is putting yourself first and understanding that your wellbeing affects your positivity with others.
Eat Healthy
WebMD states that good nutrition and healthy eating habits can improve your mental health and well-being. Eating healthy is also self-care, and it’s scientifically proven that eating healthy can change your overall demeanor. Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, a professor of science at the University of California states that Omega-3 fatty acids boost memory and learning while helping with mood disorders, like depression and dementia. It’s important to both exercise and eat from all the food groups to maintain a healthy lifestyle. After all, it will pay off.
Live In The Moment
Mark Twain once said, “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” It’s important to take every moment as it comes. What may happen tomorrow is completely out of your control, and your worries may not even matter in the end. Stay in the moment! Whenever the worry comes, remind yourself that this moment is important and tomorrow will have to wait.
Listen to Music
Have you ever gotten up in a foul mood, only to turn on the radio and hear your favorite upbeat song? Music has the power to change your mood for the better. Listen to the music that makes you feel good. Does a certain song bring back fond memories? Turn it on. Does a certain song remind you of a negative situation? Delete it from your playlist.
Bring Positivity into Your Life
All six ways I’ve mentioned can boost your mood. However, it’s important to incorporate these things into everyday life. Make sure to find and use what works for you. Whether it’s listening to music, drinking a healthy smoothie, taking a nice long bath, or paying for someone’s coffee, it’s important to do what makes you happy. These simple acts will fuel your positive thinking and create a positive effect on your life.
Remind yourself to be positive
Many times a visual reminder is just what we need to lift our spirits and stay on the bright side. To help, I’ve created a pretty printable to remind you that you have the power to decide.
Download your free ‘Very Good Year’ printable by clicking the button below
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Even More Goodness
Learn about the 7 Dimensions of Genuine Wellness
Find out how pursuing a positive mindset can change your life, then download my Choose Happiness printable
Read how to surround yourself with inspiration and download my Decision to Try printable
This information is presented as entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding anything new to your diet or routine.
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