5 tips for creating your own indoor garden
If you’ve visited here before, you know I’m a big fan of green and growing things. I love the garden in spring, summer, and fall. But where I live, winter leaves me craving my garden. Besides planning next year’s garden, one thing that gets me through the winter is growing plants indoors.
As long as you have a sunny spot and prepare the containers correctly, indoor gardening gives you the opportunity to grow flowers, herbs, plants, and even produce inside your home. And there are advantages to indoor gardening. You can grow plants and produce without a large yard, and it’s convenient to keep a close eye on your plants. Growing and nurturing your own plants can be a fun hobby, and if you’re new to indoor gardening, I hope these tips will be useful.
Choose the Right Container
The container you choose for indoor gardening is more important than you might think. There are all kinds of containers to choose from, including different sizes and materials. Glass and ceramic are more expensive, but provide a high-quality appeal to the plants or herbs. You can also use recyclable containers and less expensive options. Whatever you use, make sure the pot is large enough to accommodate the plant and make sure it has drainage holes. You’ll also need a tray to catch water as it drains. A pot without a drain is a bad idea for most plants. Since the roots don’t get the chance to dry out, you often end up with root rot.
Face Plants to the South
When your plant likes full sun, it can sometimes be difficult to find a good location in the home. The best thing to do is place them in a south facing window, where all sun-loving plants thrive. A southwest facing window will also work, but if you see any leaves turn brown or wilt, move them back into the room a bit, away from the direct sunlight at the window.
Know How Much Water Your Plant Needs
Plants need to be watered according to the individual plant’s needs. When you have plants or herbs indoors, it can be easy to over-water. However, over-watering can drown your poor plant and cause it to die prematurely. Do your research and know how much water is needed for each plant in your indoor garden. One easy tip is to insert your index finger into the soil up to your first knuckle. If you feel moisture, wait to water. If it’s dry, give your plant a good drink. If the soil is flooding the tray when you water, lift the plant from the dish beneath it and fill the dish with water. Put the plant back on the dish and let the water slowly soak up into the plant’s roots and soil. Just make sure to drain off any standing water. You don’t want a swamp!
Use the Recommended Amount of Fertilizer
A common mistake when having an indoor container garden is not using fertilizer. People often believe fertilizer is only for outdoor gardens, however, indoor plants especially need fertilizer since their roots can’t reach beyond the pot for nutrients. Fortunately, many potting soils come with fertilizer, and after the first 6 months or so you can add a slow-release fertilizer. Make a note as to how much fertilizer each of your plants needs. In general, too little is better than too much since overfeeding plants can cause burn due to the additional salts.
Put Plants in the Bathroom
Finally, if you intend to grow moisture-loving plants such as ferns, place them in the bathroom. They’ll thrive with the extra moisture and humidity. The moisture in the air provides natural misting on a regular basis, but you’ll still want to water and add fertilizer, just like your other plants.
You can create your own indoor garden
If you aren’t sure what plants or herbs are good for indoor gardening, check with your local extension service or speak to a nursery professional. Most nurseries are staffed by people who are familiar with indoor container gardening. They can help you select a plant and give you additional tips to successfully create your own indoor garden.
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