12 Months of Abundance, Free Printables, Wellness
4 ways to practice gratitude – 12 Months of Abundance
Why practice gratitude?
In a world often filled with stress and negativity, happiness can seem hard to find. However, practicing gratitude has the power to shift our perspective, boost our mood, and improve our overall well-being. It’s an effective practice that transforms our mindset from scarcity to abundance. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, expressing gratitude allows you to appreciate all the good in your life.
I’ve posted before (here, here, and here) about why gratitude can be an important tool to enrich your life. And this month I’m offering some simple ways you can be more grateful each and every day.
Morning gratitude
One easy way to practice gratitude is by adding it to your morning routine. Two ways to do this are by using affirmations and writing in your journal.
Repeating affirmations each morning reminds you of the blessings in your life. The more you repeat them, the more you’ll appreciate your life.
You can also keep a gratitude journal (this month’s planner page can help). Write down what you’re grateful for every morning. You can rewrite previous thoughts, but try to come up with new things as much as possible.
Nighttime gratitude
A nighttime gratitude practice tends to be a little different than in the morning. When expressing gratitude at night, you can be more specific. It’s a good time for getting into the details of the good things happened that day, such as someone holding a door open for you, or hearing from an old friend. And it doesn’t have to be elaborate. You can be grateful for even the smallest things. It all makes a positive impact on your life.
Express your appreciation
You can also practice gratitude by telling people you appreciate them. When someone does something nice for you, say thank you. Call your mom to tell her how much you love and appreciate her. Tell your friends how much you value their friendship and support. Doing this not only helps them feel loved and appreciated, it also helps you practice gratitude and gives you a boost of positivity.
Practice gratitude on your bad days
While this can be a little harder to do, it might be the way you benefit from gratitude the most. When you’re having a bad day, keep reminding yourself about what’s going right in your life. For instance, you may have heard bad news at work, but a friend has overcome her illness. Do your best to focus on the good aspects in your life.
So much to be grateful for
A gratitude practice can reduce stress, strengthen relationships, and build resilience to tough times. By making this practice a part of our daily routine, we enrich our lives and learn to find joy in the simplest moments. I hope you’ll try practicing gratitude in some form, every day. And because I’m grateful you’ve visited, I created a pretty and free affirmation printable. We have so many reasons to be grateful!
Download your free ‘So Grateful’ printable by clicking the button below
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This artwork is part of the amazing English Garden Watercolor bundle from Eclectic Anthology. If you’d like to purchase, you can pick it up here.
More inspiration and printables
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude with a free Grateful printable
Download a pretty Thankful printable
Read gratitude quotes and download a free Gratitude Quote printable
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