Spring Beginnings include a free printable!
Happy first day of Spring!
Holy Smokes, am I excited for Spring this year. It feels as if winter lasted more than the normal four to five months it already does here on the western front of the Rocky mountains. This year felt as if the winter season itself lasted a year! I might be exaggerating a little bit, but we did have a rough winter. The snow just didn’t want to stop. After what felt like endless whiteouts, in January the weather warmed enough that the snow melted almost completely away, overflowing the riverbanks and flooding many homes. But at least the snow is gone, I said to myself. I can take the cold, but at least we won’t have to deal with driving in the ice and snow anymore. Silly me. No! It snowed again. Cold again. Piled up AGAIN. So it was a double whammy. Two winters in the timespan of one. It was bad enough to have it pile up, but to have it melt and then come back? What treachery is this, Mother Nature?!
Spring is finally here
Poor me. I need to live in the moment and leave the trauma behind. The snow has (mostly) melted again and won’t be back, for a while at least. Now it really is early Spring and I want to get outside, plant my garden, ride my bicycle, but mostly this year I just want the flowers to bloom. I’m craving greenery and the scent of fresh flowers. And I’m eager for the energy that springtime brings. The air feels full of potential during Spring season. The promise of new beginnings always feels especially powerful. The trees are budding and flush with green, the scent of the earth is in the air, and as the flowers bloom it’s as if the world comes alive again. What’s not to love?
Let’s visualize Spring with a pretty printable
I feel for everyone still dealing with the snow. If you are still bundling up and digging out, you have my sympathies. There’s not much I can do to help melt the snow, but I can offer encouragement and hope. To help visualize and tide us over until everything is once again in bloom, I’ve created a pretty little printable to celebrate the first day of Spring. I hope you enjoy!
Happy Spring! Download your free printable by clicking the button below.
All the Spring particulars
This page contains a combination of fangirl and affiliate links. Purchasing through a link from this page costs you nothing extra and helps to support artists and their groupie-me. 🙂
This font is called Hysteria, available at Fontbundles.net. I purchased this gorgeous magnolia art in a bundle deal at DealJumbo.com. The artist is PeaceART, and if you love it as much as I do and want to make it your own, you can find it here.
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